Our guest today, Dr. Richard “Doc” Holliday has been a member of the sustainable and Organic community for over 40 years as a holistic vet and is the author of A Holistic Vet’s Prescription For a Healthy Herd. He studied under some of the early pioneers of the Organic movement, and is kind enough to […]
Category: Podcast
T. Time 01 – What Is An Intellectual Agrarian?
A new segment to The Intellectual Agrarian Podcast: T. Time. A show were we expand, explain or meditate on a topic that has arisen from an interview we had or article we’ve written. Today’s topic: “What Is An Intellectual Agrarian?” You can submit a topic for T. Time by either emailing us at show@intellectualagrarian.com or […]
19 – Look and See | Laura Dunn – Two Birds Film
Today’s guest is Laura Dunn, director of Look and See: A Portrait of Wendell Berry. In this episode we’ll be looking at what makes Look and See different than typical bi-opics, how creativity comes from the challenges we face, what lead Laura to the film and so much more. Show Notes Leaving out a heavy […]
18 – The Future of Organics | Peter Grubbe – Middlebury Farms
We are joined once again by our friend Peter Grubbe, from Middlebury Farms. Together, in an informal discussion, we give our opinions and perspectives on recent developments in the Organic industry regarding “Organic” Hydroponics, and animal welfare regulations for Poultry. Both topics have been covered in a concise breakdown on the blog:Organic Hydroponics –intellectualagrarian.com/2017/11/06/w…n-standards/Animal Welfare […]
Podcast 17 – Permaculture Principles | Scott Mann – The Permaculture Podcast
Our tag line has never been truer today, as we discuss the Principles of Permaculture as they apply to agriculture, our lives, and our communities. To break it down for us today is Scott Mann from the Permaculture Podcast. Thanks so much to Scott for being on the show, be sure to go to his […]
Podcast 16 – Jim Riddle – Blue Fruit Farm | Interview
Our guest today is Jim Riddle from Blue Fruit Farm. He’s worn many hats and been on many Organic Agriculture boards, notably the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), and currently the steering committee for the National Organic Farmers Association. In today’s episode we’ll talk with Jim about the various types of berries he grows and why, what the role of the NOSB is, and why conservation is conservative.
Just Bully | My Father’s World #1
Something new we’re trying, a story from my past farming experiences. “Just Bully” is the story of my father, a bull, and a bucket of chicken feed. Let us know if you like the story, if you do we might tell another one. Let us know on Facebook, or send us a Tweet @T_Layhew
Podcast 15 – Why We Farm | Elvira Di’Brigit
One of the big questions we ask on this show is why farmers farm, and our guest today asked the same question. Elvira DiBrigett is the author of Why We Farm: Farmers Stories of Growing Our Food and Sustaining Their Businesses. Together we talk about what inspired her to write this book, the importance of […]
Podcast: 14 – Farm To Table Dining | John Des Rosiers – Inovasi
When cooking at home eating locally is as easy as going to the farmers market, but if you’re eating out it can be another story. To talk about fine farm dining is today’s guest is John Des Rosiers, the chef and founder of Inovasi, and the Otherdoor. Two incredible restaurants in Lake Bluff IL. We’ll […]
Podcast 13: Organic Grains | Anders Gurda – OGRAIN
We’ve all heard about the demand for Organic food, to produce some of it we also need Organic feed. Organic grains make the market go round and today’s guest is helping educate us about it. Our guest today is Anders Gurda, an associate researcher in Organic and sustainable cropping systems with the University of Wisconsin […]