Life has seasons and moments dictated by the calendar, and now, by it’s capricious choice, it’s the Season of Love. A time when you can’t go into a store without having something chocolate and red or pink shoved into your face. A time when single people can only wait for the holiday to end and […]
Category: Philosophy
25 – Food Truth | Melinda Hemmelgarn – The Food Sleuth
Do you ever get frustrated with all the labels at the grocery store? Stuck trying to decide between Non-GMO, Organic and natural products? It’s a problem that our guest today works to solve. Melinda Hemmelgarn is a registered dietitian, food advocate, and host of the Food Sleuth Radio show. We have a great conversation, covering […]
Why Farming Doesn’t Have Shortcuts
There’s an unhealthy perspective that people have towards success, looking at what has made people rich, popular and loved, and assume that if they copy it, they will achieve the same ends. The problem is, life doesn’t work like that. Within every success story, there are countless failures and smaller successes that build upon each […]
Investing In People
Would you rather work with people or machines? This is a difficult question for an introvert, as people and interactions can frequently be uncomfortable and draining. For farmers, people who generally are happy to be farming because of a minimum of human interaction, it poses similar difficulties. The Coming Problem In The Four by Scott Galloway, […]
22 – Stoic Mettle | Scott Hebert – Flavourful Farms
Both philosopher and farmer, our guest today is Scott Hebert from Flavourful Farms in British Columbia and host of the Stoic Mettle Podcast. Together we discuss how Scott started farming, define what stoicism actually is, how he’s applied this philosophy to his farm and so much more. Show Notes: Scott raises salad greens and makes a […]
T. Time 01 – What Is An Intellectual Agrarian?
A new segment to The Intellectual Agrarian Podcast: T. Time. A show were we expand, explain or meditate on a topic that has arisen from an interview we had or article we’ve written. Today’s topic: “What Is An Intellectual Agrarian?” You can submit a topic for T. Time by either emailing us at or […]
Certified Organic Livestock | Consumer Expectations vs. Producer Preferences
A recurring question inevitably arises in a representative government: Where does the responsibility of the representative lie, with the wishes of the people who elected him, or to his better judgement? On November 9th, 2017. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices (OLPP) final rule, which defines […]
Watering Down The Organic Standards
On November 2nd, 2017. The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), decided on a vote of 8-7 to keep Hydroponic Production Organic. A decision that is disappointing to many who view labeling a soilless growing system “Organic” as a violation of the basic principles upon which the label and model were based. Hydroponic production is when […]
Podcast 17 – Permaculture Principles | Scott Mann – The Permaculture Podcast
Our tag line has never been truer today, as we discuss the Principles of Permaculture as they apply to agriculture, our lives, and our communities. To break it down for us today is Scott Mann from the Permaculture Podcast. Thanks so much to Scott for being on the show, be sure to go to his […]
Metal Minds
“He has a mind of metal and wheels; and he does not care for growing things, except as far as they serve him for the moment.” – Treebeard (The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien) This quote is from the epic Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien, and was said by Treebeard, the wooden Ent […]