At the 2018 Acres Conference I had the opportunity to listen to a great session on getting back into sync with our Circadian Rhythms presented by Dr. Nasha Winters. After that session I knew we had to have her on the show and she was kind enough to take some time to join us today.
Dr. Nasha is a global authority on integrative cancer research and consults with physicians around the world. She has co-authored the best selling book, The Metabolic Approach to Cancer.
Together we’ll be discussing what writing The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, Naturopathy, diet and much more.
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- By the time she was 19, Dr. Nasha already had two brushes with Cancer, and was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer
- A naturopathic doctor has the same prerequisite requirements as other doctors do, the difference is often in the approach of treatment
- A lot of a naturopathic doctors focus is on prevention of illness, not just how to treat illness
- Test, address, access
- Writing the book was motivated by Patients asking for more information for personal reference
- The Terrain is the naturopathic perspective of the body
- Looking at it from the ground up and the body down.
- Our bodies are like hybrids, we can function on two different fuel sources, carbs and fats
- The Warburg effect is improper use of energy by our mitochondria
- It’s not just food that effects mitochondria, it’s lifestyle and attitude that will make a difference
- Our historical diets may have been useful, but now we’ve changed the structure of the life in which the diet functioned
- Test, Assess, Address
- If you want to evaluate your diet, document what you eat for a week, then evaluate it
- Today we average 175 lbs. of sugar per person per year