Scott Hebert returns to the show to talk about all the stuff he’s done since our last interview, which is quite a lot. He has sold his home, started farming full time, started a YouTube Channel, returned to art, this and more we’ll discuss with Scott today.
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<Show Notes
- Scott raises leafy greens on under a quarter acre in Chilliwack BC
- This was Scott’s first year farming full time!
- Now working full time, Scott’s been able to be more flexible with his time, giving him freedom to choose what to do and when without being a slave to his schedule
- Selling his home and farming full time, Scott has created “optionality” into his schedule
- This is Scott’s third season farming, he didn’t take on debt to start it and built his farm to sustain himself prior to farming full time
- Since our last conversation with Scott he started a YouTube channel, with a daily vlog
- When you start to put out your work it gives people a chance to fall in love with it, it doesn’t have to be perfect the first time
- “There ain’t nothing to it but to do it.”
- Even with the Winter Scott’s planning on keeping his daily vlog and start producing video essays
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The War on Weeds Video